Springfield Sportsmen's Show

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"The Radical Hunter"  Dick Scorzafava

Dick Scorzafava with his 2008 Whitetail Deer


Dick Scorzafava | The Radical Bowhunter

Dick Scorzafava | The Radical Bear Hunter

Dick Scorzafava | african safari hunt | Sable

Dick Scorzafava | african safari hunt | Zebra


Dick presenting at a seminar



Dick Scorzafava’s level of expertise was extensive and as an authority on all forms of hunting, Dick was a highly sought after speaker. 

Nationally known, Dick put on over 75 lectures throughout the country on how to hunt for whitetail deer and black bear.


Dick's Booth





Dick enjoyed sharing his vast knowledge and was an active member of the Outdoor Writers Association of America and the New England Outdoor Writers Association.  Dick has written more than 1,000 articles for national magazines.

With so much time spent in the woods, it is amazing that Dick had the time to write so many articles, but he has accomplished this and much more.  Shown below are Dick’s three books on hunting.



Radical Bowhunter

Radical Bear Hunter

Spies in the Deer Woods


Massive Manitoba bear

Incredible Manitoba Moose. 
Over 51 inch spread and about 1400 pounds! 

Manitoba Bear

Manitoba Moose

Dick Scorzafava - “The Radical Hunter” !!

 Dick Scorzafava

Dick Scorzafava


Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
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