Springfield Sportsmen's Show

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The Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc. offers sponsors a unique opportunity to reach potential customers through our massive advertising campaign, press releases, highly successful website, and  promotional programs.

If you want to catch the big fish, you must first cast into deep waters.

With OSEG by your side, it’s like having an expert guide showing you the way to your next trophy catch.

Our success is tied to yours, so we are highly committed to giving your business the very best exposure.

We have sponsorship opportunities available at many different commitment levels, so get on board today and get ready to sail to higher levels of success. 

If you are interested in our program and would like to participate, please contact show promoter Doug Sousa at (413) 467-2171.

Sponsorship Program

Presenting Sponsor - (only one)

Your business will be announced as the Presenting Sponsor of the show - "(Your Company) Presents The Springfield Sportsmen’s Show". This advertising will include all media forms - TV, Radio, Print, Email Blasts, and Website. In addition, your business will be showcased at the show. Furthermore, your business will be prominently displayed on the Sponsors Page and a special Exhibitor Profile Page on the website.  As the title sponsor you are entitled to all the privileges associated with the show. Advertising will include web, print, radio and t.v. advertising. You will also have a space location centered in a high traffic zone. All banners will have logo and name included as well as any special sections that are produced. Value is $150,000.

Seminar Room Sponsors - (three available)

Seminar Room A, Seminar Room B, Seminar Room C
You will get a Website Exhibitor Profile, Sponsorship Page links and your banner will be displayed at the proper seminar room. Sponsor provides 2 banners @ 1’ x 4’

T-Shirt Sponsor - (expandable T-Shirt numbers, single sponsor)

Your logo and message prominently displayed on 100 Show T-Shirts which will be given out throughout the show and worn proudly throughout the year. These can be given out at your display or as special giveaways during our seminars. You will receive mention on the Sponsor Page of the show website. These are one color and in a variety of sizes, logo and up to 10 words on garment.

Show Bag Sponsor - (only one)

Your logo and message will seen by all attendees to the show! Feel free to be hand them out yourself or provide a rack so customers can grab their own . Additional Advertising may be stuffed in bags as well. We can provide the service of getting the bags for you at whatever you would like to spend or you can provide you own.

Casting Pool Sponsor - (unlimited)

Your banner will be displayed at the Casting Pool during the entire run of the show along with your logo in print on the webpage for the casting pool schedule and printed listing of the schedule in given. Banners provided by sponsor at 1’ x 4’.

Website Exhibitor Profile - (unlimited) Cost: $175

Featured exhibitor profile page and listed as a show sponsor with links to profile page. Up to five photos and 500 words of promotional copy and link to exhibitor’s web site.  Enhanced exhibitor profiles with more text and photos available at additional cost.

Additional Website Advertising

Banner - Top of Features Page, Banner - Top of Seminar Page, Banner - Top of Competition Page

Prize Promotions - FREE

Drive traffic to your booth by donating a prize to be given away at the show. Prominent placement on website and mentions in other media. Cost is the cost of the prize - the bigger the prize, the more promotion and attention you will get. Very large prizes may be used in advertising and Main Page website write-ups.

Video Production Sponsor - FREE

Professionally produce our show video and your ad will be included as part of the show video. Your business will be mentioned on our video page and a special Profile Page will promote your services.

Photography Sponsor - FREE

Provide professional photography services for the show.  Special thanks will be provided on our show site. Your business will be mentioned on the sponsor page and a special Profile Page will be developed to promote your company.

Coupon Sponsor - (priced upon customers request)

Have your business logo printed on dollar off coupons which will be promoted in our advertising and distributed at your business. This is great for restaurants, chain stores and any retailers who like heavy foot traffic. "Pick up your coupon for the show at "your company location", it could be used as an incentive to purchase a certain item at your location as well. Call OSEG to find out more.

Pre-Show E-mail Blast Sponsor - (unlimited sponsors)

Ad included in special ‘Show Announcement’ e-mails sent out to thousands of show list subscribers. We also do e-mail blasts to potential attendees with qualified listings.


Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
Granby, MA 01033
Phone: (413) 467-2171
Fax: (413) 467-2174
E-Mail: doug@osegshows.com

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