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Special Show Feature at the Springfield Sportsmen's Show




Dave Pickering 2025 Seminars

Dave Pickering

Seasonal Strategies for Striped Bass

Dave Pickering with striper


This all new seminar for 2025 will follow a year’s path of stiped bass fishing and focus on seasonal strategies to catch this popular gamefish. 

The main themes of the seminar will deal with fishing artificials- plugs, jigs and plastics.   We’ll use these artificials and novel ways to rig them to “match the hatch” of seasonal baitfish that striped bass are feeding on. The seminar will feature mostly shore fishing with some shallow water kayak fishing.

The areas covered will be from the RI oceanfront to Narragansett Bay to the Cape Cod Canal.



The seminar, a Power Point presentation, is filled with photos and text along with a lot of exciting video footage that was recently shot with Go Pro cameras. Show-goers will be taken right into the action. The author will narrate the show. Nearly all the photos and video are up to date and were taken during the 2024 fishing season.


Dave Pickering
This seminar runs about an hour. Questions at the end can follow if time allows.

Dave Pickering is considered one of the East Coast’s most prolific striper catchers.  In his career of fishing for stiped bass for over 65 years, he has logged in over 78,000 stripers that were caught and released. Outdoor Life magazine has named him one of the 20 greatest anglers on the planet. He has written parts of several books on striper fishing.  He has also written over 400 feature magazine articles in such publications as The Fisherman, On the Water Magazine and Saltwater Sportsman. He also runs a popular striper fishing blog that has received over 4 ½ million pageviews. He is an award winning writer and photographer, and has been member of the New England Outdoor Writers’ Association for over 40 years.



Seasonal Strategies for Carp

Dave PickeringCarp are one of the least understood fish that swim the waters of southern New England. They are plentiful and huge in some places, but most freshwater fishermen have no idea of how to catch them.

In this seminar, we will take a look at a seasonal approach to carp fishing.  Dave will discuss baits, rigging, equipment and tips tying these topics in to a seasonal approach to fishing for carp in winter, spring, summer and fall.

Each season brings its unique opportunities and challenges and those will all be discussed.  Hot baits and rigging for each season will come into play. Best places to fish will also be covered.


The seminar will also emphasize fishing for larger fish in the 20, 30 and even 40 lb. range, trophies that many carp fishermen seek.

Dave Pickering with carpThe show lasts for just about 50 minutes with time at the end for questions from the audience if time permits.

Dave Pickering has been extensively fishing for carp for the last 30 years and is considered a national expert on carp fishing. He has written many magazine articles on carp fishing in such publications as the Fisherman magazine, On the Water magazine and The North American Carp Angler. He has landed and released over 13,000 carp in his fishing career.  He is a member of the Carp Anglers Group, a national carp fishing group, and has served on their Board of Directors for the last ten years.  In 2017 he was awarded the Champion of the Queen Award for his promotion of carp fishing and conservation in the US. He currently holds the unofficial records for mirror carp and common carp in RI and has competed and placed in many national catch-and-release tournaments.





Be sure to catch this seminar and learn the tips and tricks that Dave Pickering uses each season to land massive carp.







Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
Granby, MA 01033
Phone: (413) 467-2171
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