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Dave Pickering

Dave Pickering

“one of the top 20 anglers on the planet.”
Outdoor Life Magazine


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David PickeringDavid Pickering is a freelance writer, photographer and lecturer who specializes in saltwater surf fishing for striped bass and other species of saltwater fish. He fishes for these fish from both surf and kayak.  In addition, Pickering is also considered an expert in freshwater carp fishing. He has won or placed in many national carp fishing tournaments and has written extensively on the topic.
He has been an active member of the New England Outdoor Writers' Association (NEOWA) since 1981. His photos and magazine articles have captured dozens of awards from the NEOWA including Best New England Magazine Article in 1995. He has written over 500 feature articles on saltwater fishing and has had thousands of photos published on the subject as well as numerous catalog covers.

His work has appeared in such publications as the Fisherman magazines (New England, Mid Atlantic , New Jersey/Delaware and Florida Editions), On the Water, Saltwater Sportsman, Fishbelly.com, Northeast Woods and Waters, Massachusetts Wildlife, North American Carp Angler and Doc Muller's Surf Annuals. He is a former "Insider" for On the Water magazine. He is a frequent contributor to the New England Fisherman magazine. In addition, Pickering has contributed to three books: Secrets of Surf Fishing at Night, Fishing New England, A Rhode Island Shore Guide, and New England Stripers.

Besides writing and photography work, Pickering conducts digital slide shows and lectures throughout southern New England about fishing in freshwater and saltwater.  Pickering's specialty is fishing in the surf for striped bass as well as other inshore species such as bluefish, hickory shad, scup, fluke, false albacore, bonito and white perch. Surf fishing has been a lifetime hobby and passion.

Dave Pickering with carp


David Pickering is regarded as Rhode Island's most prolific striper surf fisherman having landed over 70,000 stripers in his fishing career. In recent years, he has averaged over 2,000 striped bass a year from shore. He also fishes from a boat as well as a kayak. Much of his fishing is done with plugs, rigs and lures that he builds and designs himself, major themes in his writing and fishing shows. Pickering also spends a considerable amount of time fishing freshwater for such species as largemouth bass, carp and trout. He is also considered an expert at carp fishing. He has landed well over 10,000 carp in his career included 50 carp over 30 lbs. He is the RI state chairman of the Carp Anglers Group, a national organization of carp fishermen and sits on the Board of Directors of the Carp Anglers Group.


David PickeringPickering has received many accolades for his fishing achievements over the years.  He was named by Outdoor Life magazine as “one of the top 20 anglers on the planet.” The website, Wide Open Spaces, named him the most famous fisherman ever from the state of RI.  Recently, the Carp Anglers Group awarded him the Champion of the Queen Award, the most prestigious award in carp fishing here in the US.  It is awarded to one individual a year who promotes both carp fishing and conservation of the fishery here in the US.

In addition to his freelance writing and photography work, Pickering worked as an elementary teacher in the Wrentham, MA, Public Schools for 34 years before retiring in 2008. He holds a B.A. degree (cum laude) in liberal arts and an M .A. degree in elementary education from RI College. Besides fishing and teaching, Pickering works as a ski instructor at Yawgoo Valley Ski Area in Exeter, RI, during the winter months, and he is a member of the Professional Ski Instructors of America.



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