Springfield Sportsmen's Show

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Billy “Hawkeye” Decoteau





Billy enjoying a spin on his Harley DavidsonBilly "Hawkeye" Decoteau is an outdoor journalist and motorcycle columnist with a strong passion for pursuing Black Bass as well as cruising on his Harley Davidson Springer Classic Motorcycle with his bride of thirty-eight years.....Trish.

Bill has shared his bass fishing knowledge frequently at the Springfield Sportsmen’s Show and we are always happy to have him with us to share his fishing expertise. 

He can always be counted on to bring the newest and latest techniques to his seminars. His presentations are never the same from year to year, so you’ll always have a chance to learn something new.

Billy’s seminars included both Power Point Presentations and Hands-On Demonstration's!




Billy at the Active & Disabled Veterans Bass Tournament

Billy giving a seminar

Here is Billy running the 1st Active & Disabled Veterans Bass Tournament at West Point Military Academy

Here is Billy presenting a fishing seminar




Billy also has a passion for supporting our troops.

Hawkeye's activities include working with our American Veterans, both Active Forces and Disabled Veterans!

Billy Decoteau can also be found coordinating and emceeing 3-Man Bass Tournaments in partnership with the FLW Outdoors. Joining America's Active Military Forces as they team up with Disable Veterans and FLW Pro Series Anglers!

Billy suporting our troups




emceeing at the Bass tournament



Billy Decoteau is also the Master of Ceremonies at The Bass University.  The Bass University is an institution for advanced anglers.  It is hosted by professional anglers, Pete Gluszek (FLW) and Mike Iaconelli (BASS).  Just look at the video to the left to get an idea of what goes on at the Bass University.







Bill received the Fishing for Freedom award in September of 2015.


Here you can see Bill in action


Billy "Hawkeye" Decoteau



Bill is a Native Kayak National Pro Staff member.  In addition to all of his other activities, Bill is also an Outdoor Writer for:

Northwoods Sporting Journal
The Bass University
Fishing Flea Market
ODU Magazine

To find out more about Billy "Hawkeye" Decoteau, check out his web site at http://www.thebassbureau.com/





Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 207
Granby, MA 01033
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E-Mail: doug@osegshows.com

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