Springfield Sportsmen's Show

Special Show Feature at the Springfield Sportsmen's Show

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The Northeast Big Buck Club

Big Buck Display


3 Bucks

Come see the all new BIG BUCK DISPLAY at the Springfield Sportsmen’s Show.

This incredible wall of racks is a special feature at the show and each year it gets bigger and BIGGER and this year will be no different!

The organization that puts on this display is the Northeast Big Buck Club. 

The Northeast Big Buck Club is a volunteer organization of local deer hunters working together to bring a variety of services to hunters in the Northeast. The club has become known for their extensive work in  keeping big buck records. 

Dedicated to the hunting community, they work hard to keep hunting traditions alive.


Scoring Bucks



The Northeast Big Buck Club is the source for Big Buck Records.  The organization will score any buck, regardless of size, but to make it into the NBBC record books, your final score must meet their minimum requirements.  This record-keeping service is available to all hunters who legally harvest whitetail bucks.

The NBBC produces two publications:

  • Northeast Trophy Whitetails - The official NBBC Record Books
  • Northeast Big Buck Magazine - A bi-monthly member magazine


Record Book


Founded in 1996 by Jeff Brown and Bob Fontaine, this hunting club operates with a mission focused on three tightly related goals:

1.  To celebrate the great hunting and outdoor traditions of the Northeastern United States.

2.  To organize and represent the Northeast's hunters and outdoorsmen for the purpose of promoting education, conservation, safety afield, and local community service.

3.  To preserve our hunting memories and traditions for our children and grandchildren, and to provide them with the opportunity to enjoy all that the outdoors has to offer.


The Northeast Big Buck Club

This not-for-profit club operates on an all-volunteer basis.
With over 150 measurers covering 8 states, the Big Buck Club has a huge showcase of trophy bucks.
Their photo gallery is filled with amazing shots from seasons past like the ones shown here. 

Trophy bucks from the 2010 season


NEBBC awardsAfter the hunting season, the club hosts an awards banquet.  Awards are presented to the largest typical and non-typical bucks harvested in the previous year with a bow, gun and muzzleloader, from MA, CT, VT, RI, ME, NH, NY and PA.

The “Northeast Big Buck Classic” will showcase the finest whitetail deer in the Northeast!   Racks entered during the show will be part of the largest organized deer rack/mount display in the entire Northeastern United States!

Come down to the show and see the incredible display put on by the Northeast Big Buck Club and if you are a deer hunter, find out more about the organization and how to join and get involved with their mission.

If you would like to find out more about the club, visit their website at http://www.bigbuckclub.com and if you would like to join, you can download their membership application today.


Outdoor Sports Expo Group, Inc.
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